Become a Student Instructor Skip to main content

Become a Student Instructor

Students with excellent German proficiency, a solid understanding of grammar, and teaching disposition are encouraged to consider teaching as a student instructor for the program. You would generally teach a daily class of German 101, 102, 201, or 202. Teaching is one of the best things you can do to improve your own understanding of German. Furthermore, your teaching experience will enrich your skillset for any vocation or avocation.

If you are serious about teaching, you should complete German 377 and 378 (the lab for 377) at your earliest opportunity, preferably after completing German 302, 303, 330, and 344. These courses are offered only in the fall. The 4 credits can be used as elective credit for any German program. If you fit the description above and complete the training, you are almost certain to be hired within the following year. You should take this training early enough to allow a full year of teaching experience before graduation.

The student-instructor program is not to be confused with student teaching, which is the culminating experience in public schools for those pursuing a teaching license through the German Teaching Major or Minor.

Please direct any questions about student-instructor opportunities to Professor Bell, 3102 JFSB,