Learning Outcomes for Study Abroad/Internships Skip to main content

Learning Outcomes for Study Abroad/Internships

I. Language acquisition

A. Outcomes: At the end of the study abroad, students will speak at a level equivalent to Intermediate-mid on the ACTFL proficiency scale. Internship students will speak at a level equivalent to Advanced-mid on the ACTFL proficiency scale. Students develop and improve language skills through such means as

i. coursework

ii. homestays

iii. conversation partners/Russian table

iv. community involvement

v. internships using the target language

B. Measures

i. ACTFL Pre- and Post-Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI).

ii. in-country instructor grades

iii. pre- and post-program grammar test

II. Cultural awareness and personal development

A. Outcomes: Students develop increased cultural awareness and personal development through such means as

i. exposure to a different educational system

ii. curriculum-related travel

iii. lecture and presentation series by local speakers

iv. fieldwork

v. internships

B. Measures

i. post-program student survey

III. Professional development

A. Outcomes: Internship students begin to bridge the gap between academic pursuits and their post-graduation lives. They will be given opportunities to

i. apply language and other academic knowledge in a professional environment

ii. explore aptitude for or interest in a selected field

B. Measures

i. post-program student survey

ii. the question in alumni survey about the influence of internship on career choice