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Placement & Challenge Exam


If you are new to German, sign up for GERM 101. If you have returned from a German-speaking mission, take GERM 301. If you are anybody else, please contact Dr. Teresa Bell ( and explain your German background. She will guide you to the appropriate course.

Can I get credit for the courses I place out of? Yes, but only after you take GERM 301. During 301 you will be invited to take the German Challenge Exam (described below) and will receive challenge credit for any of the four courses (GERM 101, 102, 201, 311R) that the exam challenges, unless you have already taken those courses.

German Challenge Exam

Students with extensive German experience (such as a German-speaking LDS mission, attendance at German schools, or German spoken in the home) may receive challenge credit for GERM 101, 102, 201, and 311R by taking the German Challenge Exam. All challenge credit is contingent upon passing the course (GERM 301 or 302) in which you take the challenge exam.

This is a two-part exam. One part is taken in GERM 301, the other part in GERM 302. If you take both parts, you can get 16 graded challenge credits (8 in 301, 8 more in 302).

"Graded" credit means that the credits impact your GPA. You don't have to accept any credits with a grade you dislike. Usually, students accept all of the graded credit.

How to take the challenge exam

Getting the first 8 credits

  1. Enroll in GERM 301.
  2. At the beginning of the semester, take the LASER self-assessment test. (Your teacher will help you with this.)
  3. Also at the beginning of the semester, go to the BYU Challenge Exam site and click "Request an Exam." When it asks you to "indicate the course(s) for which you are requesting credit," you must select "GERM 101, GERM 102." You can do this before or after you take the LASER.
  4. Watch for an email in the first month of the semester telling you when and where to take the OPIc (an oral language proficiency test).
  5. Take the OPIc. It will be in a computer lab.
  6. In the month after you complete GERM 301, you will get another email asking you to accept the challenge credits that you earned for taking the LASER and OPIc. They will NOT post automatically to your transcript, if you don't specifically accept them. If you miss this email, you can go directly to the Challenge Exam site to accept the credits.
Getting the next 8 credits

  1. Enroll in GERM 302 after passing GERM 301.
  2. At the beginning of the semester, go to the BYU Challenge Exam site and click "Request an Exam." When it asks you to "indicate the course(s) for which you are requesting credit," you must select "GERM 201, GERM 311R." (If you are living in the German House, you will select a different option. Ask your instructor.)
  3. Watch for an email in the first month of the semester telling you when and where to take the WPT (a written language proficiency test).
  4. Take the WPT. It will be in a computer lab.
  5. In the month after you complete GERM 302, you will get another email asking you to accept the challenge credits that you earned for taking the WPT. They will NOT post automatically to your transcript, if you don't specifically accept them. If you miss this email, you can go directly to the Challenge Exam site to accept the credits.

Any questions about the German Placement Exam can be directed to the German section head, Dr. Teresa Bell (