All German majors must complete the portfolio as part of German 400R. Once the following items are completed and compiled, they must be turned in as a single PDF file using the “Upload a Document” link in the menu above. (Name it like this: johndoeportfolio.pdf)
The German Portfolio Core Document
This may be downloaded and filled out here
List of German Works Studied
Literature/Film/Culture majors & German Studies majors will learn about this in German 343 & 400R. Eventually, they will fill out this document
Linguistics majors will fill out the German Linguistics Reading List
Teaching majors do not need to fulfill this requirement.
Capstone Paper
The capstone paper must be at least 10 pages long (not including title page, Works Cited, etc.) and meaningfully engage at least 5 academically reputable secondary sources. It must be accompanied by the Capstone Paper Companion Page
German Teaching majors will use their teacher work sample as their capstone.
A successfully defended Honors Thesis (on any subject) will fulfill the capstone requirement.
Favorite Papers
In addition to your capstone paper, including two of your favorite papers (in German or English) written during your time in our program. They do not need to be research papers. Include the Favorite Paper Companion Page
Qualtrics Survey
Finally, it is considered part of the Portfolio to fill out this survey