Russian B.A. Program Objectives Skip to main content

Russian B.A. Program Objectives

The curriculum is designed to build increasing proficiency in the language and to develop knowledge and skills in Russian culture, including literature. A senior seminar culminates the curriculum with in-depth study of a limited area of language or literature and requires research and writing.

Statement of Purpose

Faculty, Courses, and Programs of the Russian major will …

1. Facilitate the acquisition and improvement of Russian language skills in all areas of competency: speaking, reading, writing and aural comprehension, including an understanding of the structure and history of the Russian language. Maintain a commitment to the use of Russian as the language of instruction in core subjects.

2. Develop in students an appreciation of the highest attainments of Russian culture, particularly Russian literature. Through literature, students penetrate most deeply into the profound thought and ideals of the Russian people and most fully engage in the liberal arts.

3. Encourage independent learning and critical thinking. Help students to develop strategies and techniques that will enable them to become lifelong learners.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Russian major should . . .

1. Speak, read, write, and understand the Russian language in ordinary living situations as well as in professional and business matters. Students’ speaking, reading, and listening proficiency in these areas should approximate at least an “advanced level” on the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) proficiency scale. Writing proficiency should approach an advanced level on the ACTFL scale.

2. Identify and demonstrate an understanding of the main periods, figures, and achievements of Russian cultural history, especially in literature.

3. Produce academic essays characterized by critical thinking, coherent development, and thoughtful analysis.

4. Engage in independent learning activities to develop skills necessary for lifelong learning.

5. Demonstrate knowledge of the main principles of linguistics as they relate to Russian.