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Student Employment

Department Job Openings

The BYU Department of German & Russian hires about twenty students each semester to help teach classes (teaching assistants), to help grade papers (readers), to help professors with research (research assistants), and to work as a part-time secretary-receptionist. To qualify for teaching and reader positions, applicants must be graduate or upper-division students and have an excellent command of the subject matter of the class (or research) in question. For more information, contact

Teaching Assistant

Applicants for teaching positions should demonstrate serious preparation to teach by observing appropriate classes and by taking a class in language pedagogy. Applicants to assist in teaching Russian classes should take GERM 377 or LING 577 and should consult with Prof. Jennifer Bown, 3095 JFSB.


Applicants to help professors grade papers should consult directly with the faculty member for whom they would like to work. They should also fill out a “Standard Student Application,” available in 3112 JFSB, and submit it to the part-time secretary there. Most openings occur shortly before the semester begins, so filling out the application form and consulting directly with professors at that time is the most productive.

Research Assistant

Consult with the professor for whom you would like to work. If you are a competent student (even lower division) and are acquainted with a professor for whom you would like to work, it is always appropriate to offer to work free of charge for a semester on some project of mutual interest. Such internships can sometimes result in employment at a later date.


Two students work each semester in this position. Applicants must be willing to work 15-20 hours per week, have excellent typing skills in English, have good competence in German or Russian, have some typing skills in one of these languages, and have good social skills. Knowledge of word processing programs such as Microsoft Word or Pages is needed. Job openings in this area are infrequent but are announced in upper-division classes and through Student Employment.